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Mines of Sulfur at Paliorema

Mines of Sulfur at Paliorema

Mines of Sulfur at Paliorema

It is not easy to visit "Paliorema" as it is surrounded by rocky mountains. However, the visit is worthwhile not only for the scenery and the surviving sulfur mine facilities, but above all for the knowledge of the living and working conditions of the miners, who would be considered heroes today, due to the demands under unhealthy working conditions they had to suffer

From the middle of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, when a road surface was built, the workers stayed in Paliorema all week. They lived in caves and huts until 1937 when some houses were built. After their shift on Saturday, they would walk for hours to get home and follow the same route back to the mines for the Monday shift. They were buying basic supplies from the local grocery store at low prices using a local currency that represents 10 currency units.
Over the years, sulfur was used for cleaning, disinfection, medical and military purposes (liquid fire by the Byzantines), as a pesticide, and even for the manufacture of sulfur candles that were used instead of matches. The oldest written records of sulfur mining and exploitation on the island come from the 5th century. BC, when Milos was under Athenian rule.

The mines operated even while Milos was part of the Ottoman Empire, but systematic exploitation began in 1862 by independent contractors until 1928, when the company "Milos Mines" was founded. During World War II, production was continued by the Germans. After the war the facilities were renovated and thanks to the pioneering treatment method invented by Jason Svoronos, a production of 99.5% pure sulfur was achieved. On average 220-300 workers were employed.

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